The suggestion in the rules that Skunk'd can take '1-99 players' is a trifle ambitious but if you're looking for a fun dice-chucking push-your-luck game for up to around six players then Skunk'd could well fit the bill.

Hooked on Johnson Games have published Skunk'd in a handy zip pencil case bag, so it's eminently portable. The bag includes a notepad and pen so you can record scores but really the core components of this easy-to-play dice game are the deck of variant rule cards and the six six-sided dice: standard, except that they each feature a cute cartoon skunk in place of the 1. You're obviously rolling dice but the nub of this game is in the push-your-luck scoring for the combos you roll. There's always the temptation to continue to roll to increase your score but your risk is that if you fail to roll a scoring die you're "Skunk'd" and lose all the points you'd otherwise accrued on your turn.
You'll need to keep the rules sheet to hand because the scores for different dice combos are hardly intuitive, especially for what is an otherwise simple game, but play a few times and you'll have a reasonable handle on how all the various combos work. It's at that point that you can further spice the game up by introducing one or two of the cards that add in extra rules or qualifiers. We particularly liked the Countdown card which offers players who are lagging behind the opportunity to steal a 'Hail Mary' win by rolling a 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 & skunk in consecutive rolls: exciting, and great if you pull it off, and tho' it's just luck it feels appropriate to this filler-length dice chucker.
#Skunkd #dicegame #dicechucker #HookedonJohnsonGames #HookedonJohnson #pushyourluck #pencilcase #skunk #Yahtzee